bloating tips

bloating is tough thing, and every body is different so something that works for me may not work for you. but – i want to share my top tips that really healed my stomach and eliminated bloating as much as possible.

  1. find your food sensitivities. whether it is through an elimination diet, a food sensitivity test, or just being conscious of how each food impacts your body, finding the foods that your body is sensitive to and eliminating those to your best ability makes the biggest difference. for me, i am really sensitive to dairy, some glutens, some grains, and certain vegetables, and i find that when i avoid these foods i hardly experience bloating.

  2. food combining. i got into food combining from miss Kenzie Burke, and it changed my life. food combining is an old Ayurvedic method of eating that optimizes digestion through combining your foods in a certain way. although i do not strictly follow all of the rules of food combining, the main thing i do follow from it is “fruit first”. i have fruit on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and wait at least 30 minutes before eating other foods. i notice that when i do combine fruits with other foods or eat it later in the day my stomach gets SO upset, so i do my best to stick to this because i feel so amazing when i do.

  3. drink water! it seems silly, but it makes such a difference.

  4. try out a prebiotic and probiotic. gut health is at the heart of our entire body’s health. it impacts our energy, immune health, skin, and so much more. thus, having a healthy gut microbiome is essential to our overall well being. pre+probiotics do not work for everyone, but they work for me so i would suggest trying it out. my favorite is from the brand Seed.

  5. stress. this is a big one. it seems false that emotional stress can impact our physical body but it DOES! when our body is stressed, it goes into a fight or flight mode that impacts our digestive system, and thus can make you bloated. so, reducing stress is so important for reducing bloating.


mind dump on life, change, and relationships

