letting myself rest.
i used to be (and still kind of am) in a cycle of not really understanding how to let myself rest. as an example - i love to wake up early and go to the gym and move my body. it really is something i look forward to and it makes me happy. and so, i set my alarm, wake up, and go to the gym. or even go for a walk. and that’s an amazing thing to do. starting your day off with movement is so good for the mind and body. but i get so used to this routine that if i fall behind an hour or two it feels like i am wasting my day or that i’m behind.
today i let myself sleep in. i woke up when my body naturally woke up. i took the first hour of the morning slow. and i went to the gym and did a nice walk. i honestly did it because the gym opens late on weekends…but it ended up being a really nice morning.
there’s a fine line between being lazy and listening to your body when it needs rest. and sometimes it’s hard to figure out the boundaries of that line. but today i knew i needed to rest, and i did. and it still ended up being a good day.
so. listen to your body, rest when you need it, and happy monday. xoxo tal