clearing my skin from the inside

the topical treatments, weekly face masks, moisturizer and spf are all important to keeping your skin clear. but what isn’t talked about enough is clearing your skin from the inside! what you put into your body reflects on the outside. how you FEEL on the inside will reflect on the outside. so take care of yourself! you deserve it always. 

my three keys to taking care of my skin from the inside is diet, gut health, water, and supplements. 

diet: be mindful of what you eat. what you put into your body matters! you don’t have to follow some strict paleo diet or miserable detox diet to have optimal health, and you shouldn’t have to. it is supposed to be sustainable and to be a part of your lifestyle. including lots of vegetables, fruits, whole foods, protein, carbs, healthy fats, all are so important. 

gut health: your gut is the center of everything. when you have a healthy gut microbiome, it’ll reflect on the outside through your skin, energy, digestion, and so much more. eating lots of probiotic foods, a whole foods diet with limited processed foods and sugars, and taking a pre and probiotic are so beneficial.

drinking enough water. i know everyone says this, but it really does make a difference. not just for your skin but your overall health. your mood, your energy, water is so important so make it a goal to stay hydrated. 

supplements: this is very individual to each person. what works for me may not work for you, so it’s so important to figure out what your body needs. i know that i have really unbalanced hormones so ive tried out different supplements that support that and have figured out how my body feels. i love evening primrose oil supplements, its a hormone balancing supplement for women. also zinc and vitamin D! those two haven’t made a visible impact in my skin but i know it’s good for my body. DIM supplement: i researched this supplement and it’s an estrogen supporting supplement for women, and i’ve noticed it has kept my skin clear too. 


my night routine


being okay with where i am